GC Studios are currently in 31 locations across North America with more coming soon. Beyond the success of the current and planned GC Studios lies an opportunity to expand to many more Guitar Center locations throughout the US.
To help bring GC Studios to the next level, technology can be implemented to help guide consumers to use GC Studios services. This includes providing an easy way to schedule lessons and related services though GC.com and associated microsites.
In an effort to increase interest, membership, and the overall success of GC Studios, GC Management is endorsing development of online lesson scheduling and related services.
To meet these critical business needs, key objectives have been identified in order to bring an online lesson scheduling MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to market.
Key objectives include:
1. Identifying key core features to implement an MVP
2. Core features to focus on consumer experience and ease of use
3. Leverage existing systems where possible
4. Identify core architecture for scheduling system – make or buy.
5. Identify all current and future integration points
6. Plan phased approach for enterprise level integration and feature set
7. Get first phase to market as soon as possible